Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rant - Celebrities

i just have to rant...i hate it when people say i dont care about celebrities. the same people who are in the film industry, going to celebrity parties and have made a career out of it. Newsflash! Even celebrities care about celebrities. just be honest. i had an old colleague tell me this once and i found out she had been keeping Ryan Goslings old water bottle! If you care about celebrities it doesnt mean youre a stocker or creepy fan or someone who tries to sleep with them. it just means you have  read and been interested in celebrity gossip or seeing what they look like in real life. lets just be honest people, dont worry about being too cool. i also recently ran into an writer for a major American newspaper who said to me why do you care about going to tiff parties, i dont care about celebrities. Then i remembered that 2 days earlier he had bragged to me that he was in a VIP area with Ice T. He actually invited and I refused. I just wish people were more honest, especially when the media around us is constantly reminding us just how much we care about celebrities!

TOP TIFF Moments 2012

Gerard Butler is very talented, he can scan all the girls in one room and pretend he's listening to you all at the same time. If he wasn't good looking I would find his googly eyes creepy. I'm not complaining though, being at the same house party as him and stephen dorff at the penthouse of hazelton hotel in yorkville was the highlight of my tiff unfortunately:(

I had hoped to check out some parties at the soho house but this year I had no hook ups. I had gone to the Mongrel media party which didn't have anyone exciting except for the people waiting to kareoke and apparently Viggo Mortensen at one point. 
I wasn't successful at convincing others to go out with me that night so as I made my way to the cab, a producer stopped me and asked me if I wanted to go to the storys building. Yes! I said. I scoped out the girls in the cab, got a good vibe as I introduced myself and headed to our destination. Unfortunately, this popular after party destination was closing in 15 minutes so that's how we ended up at the house party.

Because last year I found some great contacts and ended up at some very exclusive parties, this year was a big disappointment. I did however sneak into the ET Canada party, eat their cake and take home an awesome giftbag. Thank-you ET Canada. The only other highlight of this week was the BUTTERED CHICKEN POUTINE at the Hyatt in Yorkville. Holy faaaack!! 

I would normally write about the films but unfortunatley the only one I've seen is The Time Being - which is actually a beautiful movie!! Its visually stunning and very emotional although there is little action, a nice surprise in the end too. FYI - the new opening party venue this year was very scattered and a big disappointment.

Here's some celebs I spotted during my TIFFING: 
Ritz - Ian somerhalder, Colin Farrel, Dennis Quade, Camilla Belle (sitting at the patio)
Park Hyatt - Jude Law 
Trump - Kirsten Dunst eating on the patio with a handsome guy that I was more interested in than her.

The secret is to go the first weekend of tiff, otherwise you miss all the action by Tuesday (which is when most fly home).

Hopefully this gives you some inspiration for next year.